Harvest a Salad (Day 7 of 30 Days to a Better Garden)

The beginings of a garden salad
Since this is a Sunday, let’s take it easy today and make a salad with what we’ve grown. I think at this point in the growing season everyone in the northern hemisphere should have something ready for a salad, if not lettuce, than maybe a radish or a pea or some sort of terrific green thing to add. Filling your table with things you’ve grown is so satisfying, even if it is a snippet of rosemary for the salad dressing. An early season garden fresh salad gives us motivation to keep going with this crazy garden thing we’ve undertaken.

This weekend, we have pea shoots, amaranth sprouts, lettuce, radishes, a few young carrots, onions and various other edible weeds to add to our salad.

What do you have to add to your salad?


  1. says

    oh yes, we have amaranth sprouts! :) Our greens are not in the ground yet (now that my big pregnant belly isn’t in the way I plan on fixing this) but we do have peas, carrots, onions, purslane, garlic and herbs for the dressing, and some chervil! Sounds inspiringly delicious, I think I’ll go harvest! Thanks :)

  2. says

    Unfortunately several days of 90-degree weather in April have caused my lettuce and spinach to become very bitter and they are already bolting. I’m wondering if cooking them may reduce the bitterness. I read recently that historically, lettuce was primarily cooked before eating.

    • asonomagarden says

      Christine -I know, that hot weather torched our lettuce and spinach too! We had to go with bought lettuce for this salad. I think lettuce season is already over for us :(

      Erin – Congratulations on your baby boy! My sister has been in and out of false labor all weekend (she’s having a boy too), hopefully she’ll go into real labor any day now!

      Maybelline – Your salad sounds like it’s going to be great!

  3. says

    I only have pots on the back deck so every little thing I can harvest for the table is so overly appreciated. Yesterday it was parsley minced for the top of Capay Valley tomatoes. It was like eating sunshine. I’m loving the daily garden posts! Thank you.

  4. says

    We added lots of loose leaf lettuce to our salad. Sadly…our radishes didn’t do well…and nothing else is ready yet! But it’s a good start…and the lettuce is delicious!

  5. Aunt B says


    I just found your blog and I am excited. Gardening means so much to me. I have the book, “Tomatoes loves Carrots”. I plan to pull it out and start following it. Thanks.

    We had two kinds of lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, and onions,it was delicious. I have to learn to not plant my lettuce all at once.

    Is it too lat to plant some carrots? I have the Sweet Basil started, will transplant some around my tomatoes.

    Thanks. Now I want to finish the rest of your blog.

    Aunt B

    • asonomagarden says

      I don’t think it’s too late to start some carrots. Of course it depends on your zone, but why not try planting a row and see what happens.


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