A Common Scene Lately


The past couple of weeks, this is a common sight. The red wing blackbird chatter is almost deafening. Then it goes silent.

And a few take off….

…then a bunch more….

…then they all fly off, over the house to the surrounding trees where they land and the bird chatter begins once again. Until a dog barks or a truck passes and it’s off to flight once more.


    • asonomagarden says

      happygirl, yes, I’ve been keenly aware of that movie the past couple of weeks! We need to rent it….or maybe not!

  1. says

    Oh my goodness! I’ve never seen so many birds together. I thought our Cockatoos were bad but they usually number 30 – 50. Nothing like these photos!!!

  2. Catherine Farrington says

    That is amazing! We have a large tree across the street from the residence where I work in the inner city. (I work with folks with severe mental illnesses) The tree is home to an untold number of chickadees, very small, very ‘fluffy’ birds. All day long we here them, and like you described… sudden silence, and then *bouf* a virtual cloud of them will rise, circle around, and then return! Wonder what it’s all about??? :)


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