Musing from the Mind of a Scatterbrain


(that’s a very different type of spinach in that last photo. we met new gardening friends over the weekend who had some unusual varieties of things growing. Like that heirloom tarragon in the basket in the first photo. inspiring!)
The summer of freedom has come to an end. Last week the three kiddos started school, but just half days and this week all three of them will be in school for a full day! This is the first time this has happened. And it’s sort of blowing my mind. There are so many possibilities of how I could spend my time! Of course I have to stick to the basics of housework and, well, getting back into real design work again (which includes updating that website!). My dreaming brain is taking hold though and planning big things for the garden. I’ve got the schematic down for installing drip irrigation in a large part of the vegetable garden which we find hard to water by hose. I’ve got rows and rows of narcissus bulbs to thin. I want to order tulip bulbs in mass quantity. I need to order yards of compost. In the kitchen I’ve got wild grape sourdough starter bubbling away and I’m try to perfect my recipe for sourdough bread (anyone have any tried and true good ones?). I have fresh tumeric root in the fridge waiting for the day I have time to try the homemade mustard recipe from the last issue of Taproot. We have kimchee fermenting away. And, yes, it looks like we can make yet another batch of tomato sauce. And I’m totally inspired to take my simple, easy summer cooking up to a higher level after reading Stone Edge Farm Cookbook. So beautiful and inspiring.

And then there are computer related things I have stacked my to-do list full with. I’d love to redesign this blog a bit. And go to a self hosted site, finally. You know, when I started this blog seven years ago, things were so different. There wasn’t social media so this was my only outlet to ‘talk’ with people. It seemed so easy. Now ‘they’ are saying you have to have your blog tied into all the social media outlets and utilize yet another application to have all these posts timed out at strategic times so people are always constantly seeing you on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It’s exhausting. I go through periods where I’m totally on board with figuring these things out and other periods where I say ‘forget it, let’s keep it simple and just keep it on the blog’. There are so many blogs out there and so many people approaching it like a business that it just leaves someone like me in the dust. I know however that a few of you read me and comment and I really do appreciate it! All that said, I’m going to try the month of September to have more facebook posts, just to try it out. If it seems to add interest or add to the conversation, then I’ll keep it going. You can find me on facebook here.

I’m also wanting to update my e-booklet, Simple Handcrafted Body Care. Add in the recipes that are already on the blog and make a few design tweaks. Maybe new label designs?? Get is spruced up in time for the holidays.

As you can see, I’m all over the place, scattered as can be in my new found daytime freedom. I’m sure my mind and to-do list will quiet down, but for now I’m enjoying mulling over all the countless possibilities.


  1. Chris says

    Look forward to your updates in my email…..I’m not a big social media person…..I have no idea how to tweet or pin!! Thanks for all the wonderful info and stories you provide!

    • Julie says

      I agree with Chris! (except I know how to Pin and LOVE Pinning….but I’m not always sure how to find people’s stuff on Pinterest….I just use it for myself and what I want to keep track of not finding other people’s stuff….especially if it’s stuff that I already have received in my email….)

  2. Jody says

    I think our brains may be related. LOL Ideas in my head…design and implement my berry patch, wildflower garden, crochet projects, sewing projects, dog training, not to mention all the normal household maintenance stuff.

    Might I suggest that you take a few minutes to do nothing at all…it’s harder than you think. So far for me it has been a “nice idea.” 😉

    When faced with so many possibilities, I like to start with the low hanging fruit…something quick, easy and will give me a sense of accomplishment. That usually helps me refocus and gets me fired up for the next project whether big or small.

    I’m looking forward to seeing the results of all these possibilities!

  3. Patricia R. says

    I’ve been following you since I found your simple beeswax lotion, which I have been making ever since. Love it. Anyways, I find your meandering style so homey, like sharing some things over a cup of tea. It’s relaxing and pleasant. I’m sure I will read your musings, whatever you decide to do, but I do enjoy your blog the way it is.

  4. says

    Hello from Cuenca Ecuador… do I win a prize for being the furthest away? 😉
    Thought I would pop in and tell you how I enjoy your blog and am so happy that you are continuing with it. I admire your “stick-to-it-ive-ness”. I have a blog about my life here in Ecuador and I find I have kind of slid off the grid so to speak… :) Keep on writing you are living your dream ..

  5. says

    Well I read you every time in my mailbox.I can see that you have a business and that makes a huge difference in the world of blog marketing. I would keep up with 2 outlets – make a schedule and go with it. I LOVE your blog, and there is always something interesting to read.

    There are so many blogs it’s crazy, but I come here because of my interest and desire to learn about what you write about- I think that’s the key :)

    As for blogging itself, with 4 kids and a husband I can’t take the approach that’s needed to be out there all the time (BUT) this is not a business for me, so I don’t stress about it.

  6. says

    I clicked on your highlighted words “Drip irrigation” and came to Dripworks drip tape page. Thank you. i appreciate your fun and inciteful blog and hope you read ours too. I was looking out for you from behind our booth
    at The Heirloom Show in Santa Rosa this week. Wow, was that terrific! Leon

    • asonomagarden says

      Hi Leon! We passed by your booth very quickly and I looked in but I think you may have stepped out for a moment. We were in a rush otherwise we would have waiting to meet you. It was a terrific event!

  7. says

    You read my mind! I always enjoy your blog; appreciate your beautiful photos, helpful information on gardening and how to use the fruits of your efforts. My husband and I recently moved up to Sonoma County from SF and we love being able to grow our own food here. Our garden is still quite modest, but we use a ton of the produce, give as gifts, and donate extra to various local food banks. There are also sites such as CropMobster and Farm to Pantry Gleaners, that help give any excess produce to the needy. I’m experiencing similar “growing pains” with my blog, am thinking of a new theme, also moving to a self-hosted site, etc. I enjoy most when I get outside and away from a computer, so the social media question is complicated for me as well. Great work on your Facebook page so far, sounds like you’re enjoying where you are, and are on the right track – thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Kari says

    You mentioned rows of narcissus to thin. What variety are they? Are you growing them for cut flowers? I am planning on adding several hundred Tazetta Narcissi from to naturalize around my property. A lot of the other varieties fade out over the years in our hot dry Sonoma summers. Bill is a bulb farmer in Santa Cruz, he also has some interesting varieties of Amaryllis Belladonna. Check out his website to see his photo’s of the bulbs at Filoli. I have had pretty poor luck with mass plantings of tulips in Sonoma as the gophers love them. I have to plant all of mine in wire cages. I have had success with species tulips T. bakeri Lilac Wonder and T. clusiana.
    p.s. When you have young children there is never enough time! I have just gotten back into my garden now that my youngest of three is 16!

    • asonomagarden says

      Kari, I don’t know what variety they are. We inherited them, but looking up Taxetta just now, they do look a lot like them. They were planted in 4 – 25′ rows for cut flowers. If I remember correctly there are a row or two of those Taxetta narcissi, a row or two of paperwhites and a row of traditional daffodils. In our last house, on the east side of Sonoma, our tulips did really well, but we didn’t have too many problems with gophers. I’ll remember to put them in gopher cages here, as gophers are everywhere!

  9. chrisinsocal says

    There are many great websites out there, but yours is the only one I have at the top of my Macbook. I enjoy your variety of subject matter, your pictures, your tutorials…but most of all, your voice.
    You make me feel comfortable. It’s as simple as that.

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