Knitting and Reading


For a chance of pace today I thought I’d join Ginny’s Yarn Along. I doubt I’ll be participating every Wednesday as for the past three months and for the future three months, I’m certain this picture wouldn’t change. There is such little time to read & knit these days.

This is my first fair isle project, dala horse mittens and I am loving it! It is a challenge to work with two colors and in the beginning even resulted in a fair isle related arm injury. Who knew knitting could be so very dangerous?

My natural yarn dying friend, Jen, lent me The Road Home months and months ago and I’m sure she thinks she’ll never get it back, but she will! I am really enjoying this novel, set up mainly in Nebraska. It chronicles the lives of three family members through two generations and is so well crafted. I already bought another Jim Harrison book to read when I’m done, Dalva.

The Seasons on Henry’s Farm: A Year of Food and Life on a Sustainable Farm is a must read if you are gardening minded. It too is beautifully written and is the perfect combination of farming/gardening instruction, literary pose and stories of people’s lives. It is written by a woman who lives and works on her brother’s organic farm in the mid-west. The book is divided into months as chapters so I’m trying my best to read a chapter a month, but it’s so hard not to read ahead! You should really give this one a read!


  1. KimH says

    I read that book last year.. Its a GREAT book & I wanted MORE when I was done with it. Its like a good friend you dont want to say goodbye to. :)

  2. says

    Sounds like a delightful book! My husband and I recently vacationed in Sonoma and we were so delighted to learn about the organic farming techniques being used (and enjoyed some great farm-to-table local restaurants)!

  3. says

    The Seasons on Henry’s Farm looks like just the kind of book I love.

    I always enjoy my visits here.

    Thanks for the recommendation!


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  4. says

    Somehow your blog always reminds me to reset my priorities— thank you!
    I love to knit and read, but would have a really hard time trying to both at the same time! I can’t recommend audio books and knitting more— such a great way to enjoy both hobbies without the technical difficulties :)

  5. Peg says

    So glad you discovered Terra’s book! I used to belong to Henry’s CSA when I lived in IL and it gave me a better appreciation of eating seasonally–moreso than when I lived in CA! Go figure. Anyhow, love your gems–the photos, the simplicity, the beauty. Thank you!


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