Evening Garden Walk


Last night while the three kids were happily playing Legos in their room, I literally tip toed out of the back door for a little garden-camera time. The evening primroses are in their glory, the bees seem to love them too.

The scabiosas are starting to burst. We have them in wild abundance. At first I wasn’t sure they were scabiosas, as the ones I were used to were only two or three feet tall at most, these are at eye level. I didn’t have to stoop down at all to take these photos. They come in all shades of purple and I do adore them.

While our tomato plantings were delayed due to bed preparation, they are in and growing like wild behind the shed.

Fresh fruit is on the horizon!!! I’ve been so tired of eating mushy store bought apples and I’m quite worn out on citrus at this point, the hope of in-season fruit is thrilling!

zucchini and oregano

How are things looking in your garden? Any early season successes? Failures?


  1. Cathy Neumeyer says

    Do you know how invasive the Evening Primrose can be? I’ve been advised to pull it! Sorta’ like Monkey Grass….just starts to take over!
    Hope I don’t come across as a Negative Nellie!

    • Barbara Eisele says

      I transplanted just a couple of small plants from a friend’s place about thirty years ago, and they are all over the flower bed in front of our house. We have “thinned” them, but they just keep coming back. They are mostly kept in check by a rock border on the flower bed, however, and they don’t need much water and do add lovely color.

      • asonomagarden says

        I have seen that they might get invasive. Luckily they are in a spot that is big and I don’t really care if they take over. I have had to pull them out of other beds, but so far they haven’t been a problem. I echo what Barbara said, they are pretty and I like not having to water them too much!

  2. says

    Your garden looks lovely. I love summer evenings. My veggie garden is having kind of an off year. The lack of rain got things off to a slow start, and in these 90 degree temps, my soil can’t seem to hold moisture from dawn to dusk. On the plus side, it’s nice to get some fruit this year. Really looking forward to fresh peaches. And the peppers are doing great. :)

  3. KimH says

    I love your evening primrose photo.. They grew all over the place in Texas and were one of my favorites. We called them butter cups even though they really arent. 😉
    My garden is doing well.. I’ve got garlic I’ve just finished cutting the scapes from today.. I’ll be digging garlic soon.
    My many herbs & other edible plants I have growing around the house are doing great.. I divided a rhubarb plant not too long ago & got 6 more plants that are doing wonderfully. We should have lots of rhubarb one of these days. I also have loads of volunteer tomatoes from “Gardeners Delight” cherry tomato. If you want millions of them, this is the variety to get. They are unbelievably prolific and the plants are HUGE… like 10 feet tall.. Im not kidding. At least they were in my yard here in Ohio.
    I just finished planting the last of my seed in my community garden.. I’ve been slow to get things going but it should be a great garden if we get some rains… Im hoping & praying. 😉

    • asonomagarden says

      We’ll have to try that Gardeners Delight one of these years, sounds like a good one. We should have divided our rhubarb! Yet another thing on our to-do list that didn’t get done. Next year!

  4. casey grey says

    i always love your pictures my tomatoes are doing great but i cannot seem to keep the ants out of my squash blooms

    • asonomagarden says

      Casey, I don’t think ants cause too much trouble with squash blooms, we have ants in ours all the time too.

      • casey grey says

        i do not know then they look great and then the bloom just dies and falls off i thought it was the ants eating at it what do you think it may be

      • casey grey says

        you by the way are my hero i started a body butter/lip conditioner business inspired by you very small start but people are really loving it i have been giving samples to people and they are buying it without a label still working on that part thanks for all your info

  5. Lorrie says

    I love looking at your pictures, as they remind me of ‘home’!
    Our garden is having a rather different sort of year, owing to my having broken my collar bone a few weeks past. There won’t be quite as many pumpkins or other late-season vegetables, but the garlic, walla wallas, shallots, basil, tomatoes and zucchini are coming along nicely. So are all the nasturtiums that have self-sown from last year. I’m leaving them to fill all the space that would normally be planted by someone who is not in a sling. There are grapes getting ready to bloom on the vines, figlets, raspberries, strawberries and artichokes,, and I am in competition daily with the goldfinches for the baby lettuces and arugula!
    I am loving my evening primroses–for the reasons you mentioned–and for their lovely clear pink color,
    Happy gardening to you, and thank you again for your lovely blog!

    • asonomagarden says

      Lorrie, I’ve broken my collarbone before so I feel your pain! It sounds like your garden is coming along fantastically despite having an arm in a sling! Heal quickly!

  6. Laurie says

    I love time alone in the garden, too (here in Vancouver, Wa). And there’s such a beautiful thing about dusk…such magical light! I’ve been admiring the blueberries, raspberries and apples on my “long, skinny acre”…and can’t help but notice the vetch that is threatening to overtake those berries if I don’t intercede! But the work in itself can be a balm for our souls. Many blessings on all who work their own plots of hope!

  7. heather olds says

    i am so jealous of your wonderful nor-cal weather! we live in the panhandle of north idaho, which is beautiful, however has an extremely short growing season. my kale (siberian heirloom variety) is going crazy because of the chilly spring and abundance of rain! i love cutting leaves everyday for my morning smoothie.
    looking to move back to nor-cal within the next few months..nor-ida has had us for too long. anyone need a social worker down there?! 😉

  8. says

    oh, what beautiful photos of your garden…
    ours is chugging along happily. though, i must admit this is the ‘late spring itch’ where i would trade forty pounds of chard for just one bit of the first tomato.

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