Four Years of Marches

(daffodils are a constant on our table now as they are abundant in this garden, what an incredible surprise!)
This month marks a full four years that I’ve been blogging about our garden. A lot has happened in that four years. Many harvest, many successes, even more failures, a new baby and moving to a garden 6 times larger than our previous one. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to bring back those old posts so they don’t get lost in the archives and I’ve decided to start each month with a list of what I blogged about that month in previous years. It will be a good way for me to re-read and re-categorize them, fix broken links etc.






(finally using my walnut dyed yarn!)


  1. says

    loooved your walnut dyed wool! I’ve been hoarding little 10g sample skeins from avocado and red and yellow onion skins, so many different shades of yellow and reds – I just need the right fairisle project!
    (also – does the book you recommended include plants that I would find in the British Isles?)

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